At Proteinsecta we have developed standardized breeding methodologies, based on more than 12 years of experience aimed at the independent creation of insect farms by small and large investors, without the need for prior knowledge in Insectculture.
With our Proteinsecta Method you will learn to create your own insect farm through our guidance and advice, without the need for previous farm experience or specific knowledge.
We put our experience and methodology at your disposal to create your own insect farm, through our products:
- Turnkey: We take you by the hand throughout the entire process, if you wish, so that you only have to worry about producing.
- Technology Transfer: We give you the knowledge and tools necessary to create it yourself
- Subsidies for the incorporation of Young Livestock Farmers: At Proteinsecta we have extensive experience in obtaining SUBSIDIES to create Farms through this line, as well as other available subsidies that may arise.

At Proteinsecta we put at your disposal this Video Consultancy lasting more than 3 hours to know everything necessary from a legal or regulatory, economic (viability) and clients (potential markets) point of view.
Para resolver cualquier duda que te haya podido surgir en la Videoconsultoría tendrás acceso a una tutoría mediante videollamada de 1,5 h con uno de nuestros técnicos
Technology transfer
The “Technological Transfer” service It consists of the provision of services ALWAYS carried out ONLINE where the client is advised according to our experience and where the responsibility for the work to be carried out for the assembly of the farm ALWAYS falls ON THE FINAL DECISION OF THE CUSTOMER.
The main advantages of this service are, among others:
- Being able to create the farm “step by step” based on your budget, your availability and your time. Proteinsecta will in no case be responsible for the decision made by the client.
- It is a service with less need for an initial budget.
- It allows the client to reduce the final cost of setting up the farm compared to the “turnkey” service that we offer at Proteinsecta.
- We provide the necessary information and advice so that the client is able to set up their farm as long as they take into account the considerations that we provide. This information allows you to plan its assembly or adapt its surface to your needs.

- Aid for the incorporation of young people into livestock activity.
- The indicative conditions to be able to receive these aids are:
- Older than 18 years-old.
- Under 41 years of age on the date of application submission.
- Not having carried out activities as owners of agricultural or livestock farms.
- These aids are called every one or two years at the regional level to subsidize the incorporation of young people
to livestock activity. - The call and deadlines for submitting applications also depend on each Com. Autonomous.
- These aids are usually LOST FUND, which means that once incorporation into the activity,
the subsidy does not have to be returned to the administration. - The administrative procedure is carried out by agricultural organizations (ASAJA, UPA, COAG, etc.). These organizations
They usually have provincial offices that serve and inform those interested in this aid. - The intensity of this aid depends on each Autonomous Community.
- The indicative conditions to be able to receive these aids are:
- Investment aid.
- Basic aid percentage of 40% of the bankable investment (general).
- In the case of young ranchers, it would reach 60% of the bankable investment.
- Titular persona física: el volumen máximo de inversión financiable objeto de ayuda podrá ser de 100.000 euros por unidad
de trabajo agrario (UTA) sin superar los 200.000 euros por explotaciónPara optar a la subvención es necesario realizar un Plan Empresarial o Viabilidad para que vayas a la Organización
business that you decide and present it with the request for help. Proteinsecta currently has success stories
in many Autonomous Communities where this type of livestock farming is already recognized and approved, such as:- Castilla la Mancha
- Castilla y León
- Andalucía
- Aragón
- Asturias
- Etc…